
Experience of Professor Gu Kuixing Diagnosing and Treating Esophagus Cancer

  • 摘要: 介绍顾奎兴教授诊治食管癌的经验,认为食管癌为本虚标实之证,正气亏虚、脏腑功能失调是食管癌的发病基础,痰瘀互结、癌毒内蕴是食管癌的病机关键。治疗上强调顾护中焦脾胃,同时注重化痰逐瘀、软坚散结、清热解毒,注重辨病与辨证相结合,并且在不同的治疗时期,亦有针对性诊治,选药用量讲究三因制宜。


    Abstract: The paper introduced professor Gu Kuixing's experience in diagnosing and treating esophagus cancer. It was regarded that esophagus cancer was a symptom of rootdeficiency and branchexcess. Deficiency of healthy qi and dysfunction of zangfu organs were the pathological base while binding of phlegmstasis and accumulation of cancer toxin were the keypoints. As for the treatment, it was highlighted that regulating middlejiao of spleen and stomach, combined with dissolving phlegm and removing stasis, softening hardness and dissipating masses, and clearing heat and resolving toxins. In addition, differentiation of disease and symptoms should be combined and in different stages, targeted diagnosis and treatment should be applied and prescription should be in accordance with three categories of etiologic factors.


