
Discuss on Zhou Shenzhai's Characteristic in Deficiency Syndrome Differentiation from Regulating Spleen and Stomach

  • 摘要: 对明代医家周慎斋辨治虚损的特色进行探析。周氏认为脾胃虚衰是虚损之关键,提出虚损“纵有变证,只从脾胃论治”;将创立的“二十六字元机”融入具体治法之中,以理、补为主,兼用固、从、责、清、兼等虚损治法;并以脾胃脉象预测虚损转归。


    Abstract: The paper analyzed Zhou Shenzhai's thought characteristic of deficiency syndrome differentiation by regulating the spleen and stomach. Doctor Zhou, a distinguished doctor in the Ming dynasty, held that deficiency of spleen and stomach was the root cause of the deficiency and put forward that in terms of deficiency, "even if there are different symptoms, regulating spleen and stomach can relive them". He applied his original "Twenty-six-character diagnosis and treatment strategy" into specific therapeutic methods, regarded regulating and tonifying as the main methods, combined with other methods like consolidating, guiding, purging, clearing and harmonizing. Besides, he proposed that pulse condition can manifest and predict the transforming of deficiency.


