
Discussion on Clinical Application of Bitter-Cold Medicine Based on Intestinal Flora

  • 摘要: 苦寒中药在临床广泛应用于内外妇儿疾病。肠道菌群的稳态与失衡是治病与致病的内在因素。既往对苦寒中药在临床的应用研究大都集中在胃肠动力、胃肠激素等基础研究上,从肠道菌群的角度未见到深入的研究与阐述。该文从肠道菌群的结构、比例及分布的微观角度,阐述苦寒中药恢复脾胃功能的作用,进一步证明肠道菌群在苦寒中药治疗脾胃病中的重要性,为临床实践与基础实验提供更多理论依据。


    Abstract: Bitter-cold medicine is commonly used in clinical practice and is widely used in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology, and pediatrics diseases. The homeostasis and imbalance of intestinal flora are the internal factors for curing and causing diseases. Previous researches on the clinical application of bitter-cold medicine have mostly focused on the basic research of gastrointestinal motility and hormones, No in-depth research and elaboration have been reported on the intestinal flora. From the microscopics of the structure proportion and distribution of intestinal flora, We expound the function restore of spleen and stomach by bitter-cold medicine, further prove the importance of intestinal flora in treating digestive diseases and provide more theoretical basis for clinical practices and basic experiments.


