
Analysis on Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Liu Jiaxiang's Experience of Treating Lung Cancer with Regulating Spleen and Stomach

  • 摘要: 国医大师刘嘉湘于20世纪70年代创立“扶正治癌“理论,提出正气亏虚为肺癌发病之本,脾胃虚弱乃正气亏虚之源,脾胃损伤伴随肺癌全程。总结刘教授治疗肺癌经验,其辨证论治、处方用药处处体现其顾护脾胃之治疗理念。


    Abstract: Traditional Chinese Medicine Master Liu Jiaxiang proposed the theory of reinforcing healthy qi and treating cancer in 1970s and held deficiency of healthy qi as the cause of lung cancer, deficiency of spleen and stomach as the source of healthy qi deficiency and the damage of spleen and stomach as the complication of lung cancer. The paper summarized professor Liu's experience of treating lung cancer, including treatment based on syndrome differentiation and prescription method, which manifested his therapeutic orientation to treat lung cancer with regulating spleen and stomach.


