
Discussion on Diabetes and the COVID-19 from the Perspective of Spleen Deficiency and Dampness Excess

  • 摘要: 新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)是危害全球的流行性疾病。该文认为糖尿病与COVID-19存在共同的内源性基础脾虚,而湿邪不仅是疾病发展过程中的病理产物,也是致病的重要因素。糖尿病患者脾虚湿盛,卫气化生乏源,卫外不固,易感受病邪而患病;津液输布失常,水湿上渍于肺,合并COVID-19,痰湿上犯,可加重咳、痰、喘等症,增加其不良预后及死亡的风险,故脾虚湿盛是糖尿病患者易患COVID-19和病情加重的关键。


    Abstract: COVID-19 is a global epidemic disease. This paper holds that diabetes and COVID-19 have a common endogenous basis for spleen deficiency. Besides, dampness is not only a pathological product in the course of disease development but also an important pathogenic factor. The clinical manifestations of diabetes patients are spleen deficiency and dampness excess, defensive qi lack of source, insecurity of defensive qi, susceptible to pathogenic factors, and then catch diseases, abnormal fluids transportation results in dampness invading lung. When diabetes patients caught COVID-19, the phlegm-dampness will attack the lung upward, which would aggravate symptoms such as cough, phlegm, and puff and increase the risk of poor prognosis and death. On this basis, spleen deficiency and dampness excess is the crucial factor for diabetes patients to catch COVID-19 and exacerbations.


