
Discussion on the Function of Rectifying Spleen in Preventing the Pestilences

  • 摘要: 脾脏的盛衰是疫病防治的重要影响因素。总结历代防治疫病的经验,认为中医学对疫病的防治经历了从以伤寒论治到创立温病学说的一个变化过程,治疫顾脾亦从秦汉偏重温脾补气,晋唐燥湿运脾,宋金元寒凉泻热益脾阴、攻邪清脾,到明清宣透芳化、涤浊醒脾、恢复气机的过程。从疫病的发病、治法及遣方用药中,总结出未病期补脾实卫,已病期运脾祛邪,恢复期养脾扶正等贯穿始终的治脾思想。


    Abstract: The deficiency and sufficiency of the spleen is a significant factor in preventing and treating pestilences. This paper summarized the experiences of preventing and treating pestilences and held that the experience of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) preventing the pestilences has undergone a process from the theory of cold damage disease to warm disease. As for the therapeutic method of rectifying spleen to treat the pestilences, it was warming spleen and supplementing qi in Qin and Han dynasty, drying dampness and fortifying the spleen in Jin and Tang dynasty, draining heat with cold-cool medicine and boosting spleen yin and attacking pathogen and clearing spleen in Song, Jin, and Yuan dynasty, along with diffusing, venting and removing pathogen with aromatic medicine, clearing up turbidity and awakening the spleen, and restoring qi movement in Ming and Qing dynasty. Based on the incidence, therapeutic method, and prescription of the pestilence, this paper has concluded with the therapeutic thought of rectifying spleen throughout, that is, tonifying spleen and strengthening defensive qi in the prevention stage, activating spleen and dispelling pathogen in the treatment stage, nourishing spleen and reinforcing healthy qi.


