
Treatment Thoughts of COVID-19 Based on Syndrome Differentiation in Traditional Chinese Medcine

  • 摘要: 在2019年底武汉地区爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(以下简称“新冠肺炎”)的防治过程中,中医药呈现出前所未有的参与度。中医药治疗疫病自古有之,千百年来为防治疫病积累了大量的成功经验。本次新冠肺炎的病机重点是湿邪蕴郁,有寒热之分;有卫气营血传变规律,而常现逆传;疫邪毒气旺盛易变;病位在肺脾,重症及心。其治疗要根据分期辨证论治,祛湿健脾贯穿始终,在具体治疗过程中既要清瘟解毒防变,又要养肺补脾固正,并且要掌握“三因制宜”原则,坚持防治并举。


    Abstract: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has played an unprecedentedly significant role in preventing and treating COVID-19 since it outbroke in Wuhan in late 2019. TCM has been applied to treat epidemic diseases since ancient times, which has accumulated plenty of empirical experiences for thousands of years. It was held that the pathogenesis of COVID-19 was accumulation and constraint of dampness combined with cold or heat, hyperactivity and inconstancy of pathogenic qi, following progressive pattern of wei-qi-ying-blood but sometimes reversed, and usually attacking the lung and spleen, accompanied by heart invaded in the severe cases. The therapeutic methods should be based on syndrome differentiation in stages with dispelling dampness and fortifying spleen throughout the course. When it comes to specific cases, not only should it dispel epidemic and resole toxins to control progression, but also nourish lung and tonify spleen to consolidate healthy qi. In addition, treatment in accordance with three categories of etiologic factors should also be taken into consideration, as well as adhere to the prevention and treatment simultaneously.


