
Advances in Biology, Chemical Constituents and Pharmacological Activities of Stellaria Dichotoma var. LanceolataMZ)〗

  • 摘要: 宁夏道地药材银柴胡为石竹科繁缕属植物银柴胡的干燥根,具有清虚热、除疳热的功效,临床用于阴虚发热、骨蒸劳热、小儿疳热等症。从基原植物生物学特性、药材主要化学成分及药理作用研究等方面系统地综述了近年来银柴胡的最新研究成果,以期为宁夏银柴胡资源合理开发利用以及更为深入的研究提供理论与实践依据。


    Abstract: The dry root of Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata,named Yinchaihu in Chinese, is a geo-authentic crude drug distributed in Ningxia. As a traditional Chinese medicine with effects on clearing deficient heat and eliminating fever in infantile malnu, it has been clinically used to treating Yin deficiency fever, consumptive fever and infantile chancre fever.In this paper, the latest research achievements of Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata. in recent years were systematically reviewed in terms of biological characteristics of basic plants, main chemical constituents and pharmacological effects of medicinal materials. The aims are to provide theoretical and practical basis for the rational development and utilization resources of Stellaria dichotoma var. lanceolata in Ningxia.


