
Discussion on Basic System of Filiform-Needle Therapy in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic

  • 摘要: 《黄帝内经》记载了多种治病方法,其中对毫针刺法阐述颇为详细,概括了毫针刺法的先决条件,归纳了毫针刺法的基本术式,总结了毫针刺法的终极目标,论述了毫针刺法的补泻机制,提出了毫针刺法的禁忌事宜,还涵盖了其他有关毫针刺法的内容。《黄帝内经》关于毫针刺法的论述形成了针灸学科毫针刺法的基本体系,成为后世论述针刺操作之圭臬,在中国古代针灸学科的形成过程中发挥了重要作用。


    Abstract: Among various treatment methods recorded in The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, the filiform-needle therapy was expounded especially clearly. In The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic, the prerequisite to filiform-needle therapy, as well as its manipulation and ultimate goal were summarized. Besides, its reinforcing mechanism, reducing mechanism and taboo, along with other contents related to filiform-needle therapy were also mentioned in the book. The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic set up a basic system of filiform-needle therapy in acupuncture and moxibustion subject. What's more, it has become the standard of acupuncture manipulation, which has played an important role in the forming process of ancient acupuncture subject.


