
Examples of Syndrome Differentiation for Common symptoms of Tumor in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • 摘要: 对肿瘤的常见症状中医辨治进行分析和讨论,包括癌性疼痛、癌性发热、癌性出血、癌性贫血、癌性呕吐、癌性泄泻、癌性便秘、癌性肿胀,并举例说明,认为癌体本属局部为实,整体为虚,虚实夹杂之病,延至晚期,整体衰竭,成为败局,既不可攻,又不可补,惟有姑息治疗,以延朝夕,健胃以助受纳。


    Abstract: Common symptoms of tumor were analyzed through syndrome differentiation in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and some of them were given to illustrate, including cancer pain, fever, bleeding, anemia, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and swelling. It is believed that cancer patients are deficient as a whole while excess at the cancerous local site. For such deficiency-excess complicated syndrome, it is doomed to be incurable once delayed to terminal stage. By then, the patient can neither be treated with reducing nor reinforcing method, but only with palliative care assisted by strengthening stomach to help govern intake.


