
Exploration on the Key Problems in the Transformation from Traditional Preparation to Modern Manufacture of Classical Famous Prescriptions

  • 摘要: 经典名方大多以汤剂形式应用,基于经典名方传统制备方法研究开发而成的颗粒剂,制备过程如何建立提取、浓缩、干燥与成型工艺参数,形成与传统制剂等效的经典名方标准颗粒生产方法,形成满足工业化生产要求、质量稳定、均一、可控的经典名方标准颗粒,是经典名方标准颗粒制备过程中的关键科学问题。结合经典名方物质基准及标准颗粒研究开发,探索其标准颗粒制备过程中的关键问题。


    Abstract: Most of the classical famous prescriptions are used in the form of decoction. In development of the granulates based on the classical famous prescriptions, how to set extracting, concentrating, drying and modeling parameters in modern manufacture to achieve an equivalent efficacy as traditional preparation, satisfy the requirements of industrial production and ensure the stable, uniform, controllable quality are key points. This review aims to explore these critical problems by combining the development of substance benchmark and standard particles in classical famous prescriptions.


