
Discuss on Symptom and Treatment of Kidney Diseases with Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic

  • 摘要: 邹氏肾科医术非物质文化遗产团队根据《内经》相关理论结合团队临床实践对常见肾病的中医证治思路进行探讨,认为肾气不足为肾病发病之因,肾元衰竭是发病之本。临床中需注意未病先防、既病防变,强调治病必求于本。根据临床实际情况,分别提出从脾肾、从肝肾、从肺论治肾病,常用治法有健脾温肾、扶正渗利、清肝解毒、养肝滋阴、平肝潜阳、疏肝活络、疏风宣肺、清热宣肺、清热利咽、和法缓治、活血化瘀、疏滞泄浊等法。


    Abstract: Zou's Nephrology Medicine Intangible Cultural Heritage Team had a discussion on the diagnosis and treatment of common kidney diseases based on their clinical experience and related theories in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic. Its was held that deficiency of kidney qi was the cause of kidney diseases and failure of primordial qi of the kidney was the cause of disease incidence. In clinic, it is significant to prevent diseases, take preventing measure before the deterioration of disease and focus on the principal cause of a disease in terms of treatment. According to clinical practice, it was proposed that treating kidney diseases with regulation of spleen and kidney, liver and kidney, along with lung respectively. The common therapeutic methods are strengthening spleen and warming kidney, reinforcing healthy qi and draining dampness, clearing liver and resolving toxins, nourishing liver and yin, calming liver and subduing yang, soothing liver and quickening collaterals, scattering wind and diffusing lung, clearing heat and diffusing lung, clearing heat and relieving sore throat, mild treatment with mediation method, activating blood and resolving stasis, scattering wind and draining turbidity and other methods.


