
Differentiation and Analysis of Afternoon Fever

  • 摘要: 午后热甚是现代临床热性病中较为常见且易发生误诊的发热类型,将《伤寒论》《温病条辨》及相关著作中提及的午后热甚类型进行归纳总结,认为由腑实、湿热、血瘀等导致气机阻滞不通的午后热甚为实,治以祛邪并宣通气机为主,而虚性午后热甚应详辨脏腑病位之虚损,治宜滋阴为主,兼以祛邪,临床务须辨清虚实,审证求因,对证治疗。


    Abstract: Afternoon fever is the most common type of fever, but the misdiagnosis was easily made. The paper summarized the types of afternoon fever mentioned in Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases, Systematic Differentiation of Warm Diseases and some other related classics. The paper holds that afternoon fever caused by excess of the viscera, dampness and fever, blood stasis and other pathogenic factors results in qi stagnation, which was sthenic fever. Dispelling pathogen and diffusing qi is favored in treating the sthenic afternoon fever. While the treatment of asthenic afternoon fever, based on the detailed differentiation of the deficiency and damage of viscera should be primarily nourishing yin, and concurrently dispelling pathogen.


