
Study on the Pathogenesis, Syndrome and Treatment of Vexing Pain in Treatise on Cold Damage and Essentials from the Golden Cabinet

  • 摘要: 就《伤寒论》与《金匮要略》中烦疼症状进行辨析,认为其病机关键为阳气怫郁,或由风、寒、湿邪束表所致;或阳气壮盛而寒邪闭表;或少阳枢转不利;或阳热偏盛蕴结于里;或湿热交蒸而郁阳不通。其治疗应根据其具体病因,针对阳气怫郁的病机,采用火郁发之的治疗原则。


    Abstract: Discriminating the symptoms of vexing pain in Treatise on Cold Damage and Essentials from the Golden Cabinet, it was suggested that the pathogen of vexing painwas constraint of yang qi, either caused by wind-cold-dampness fettering the exterior, or sthenia of yang qi and cold blocking the exterior, or shaoyang inability to pivot, or interior heat accumulation caused by excessive yang heat, or steaming dampness-heat resulting in blockage of yang, or internal obstruction of cold-turbidity leading to failure of dispelling yang qi. The treatment should be based on specific causes and pathogenesis-constraint of yang qi. The treatment principle is dissipating excessive stagnation of fire.


