
Efficacy Analysis and Application Prospect of Essential Oils from Chinese Medicine Based on Yin and Yang Theory

  • 摘要: 药性理论是中药理论的核心,中药挥发油作为中药的一大类活性物质,其应用应以药性理论为指导原则。基于阴阳药性的认识和对含挥发油中药药性分析,将中药挥发油分为“气味同阳”“气味同阴”“气味阴阳”三大类,并且文献研究发现“气味同阳”的中药挥发油(全部具有辛味)治疗寒证的报道显著多于其它两类中药挥发油治疗寒证或热证的报道。在此基础上,基于“辛能开腠理”和“辛通四气”等药性理论认识,首次提出应用“气味同阳”中药挥发油作为治疗寒证外用制剂透皮吸收促进剂的设想,有望充分发挥中药挥发油的“药辅合一”作用。


    Abstract: Theory of Drug Properties (TDP) is the core of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM). As major active substance of TCM, the application of essential oils (EOs) as penetration enhancers (PE) should be guided by TDP. In the present paper, based on the theory of Yin and Yang, as well as the understanding of drug properties of EOs, EOs are divided into three categories, such as "natures and flavours belong to Yang", "natures and flavours belong to Yin" and "natures and flavours belong to Yin and Yang". Moreover, according to the literature analysis, it is found that the number of the papers of EOs with hot or warm natures and Pungent flavour in the treatment of cold syndrome is significantly more than those of the other two categories. Based on the knowledge of pungent flavour in TDP, such as "open skin slit" and "the pungent flaver related with four natures", the application of EOs with "natures and flavours belong to Yang" as PE in transdermal formulations for cold syndrome is proposed, which is expected to make full use of the "Synergistic Effects" of EOs.


