
Ten Methods of Tumors from TCM Syndrome Differentiation

  • 摘要: 基于周仲瑛教授提出的“癌毒是肿瘤的特异性致病因子”的学术思想,对中医辨治肿瘤的治法进行了探讨。常用十法包括:理气解郁法、化痰祛瘀法、搜风剔毒法、清火败毒法、攻毒消癥法、化湿泄浊法、润燥软坚法、助阳消阴法、益气养阴(血)法、健脾和胃法。每一法中详细列述了主治证的特异症、可见症及相关舌脉;明辨病性、病位及病机转化,并列举了临床常用方药。认为辨治述要是每一治法的核心内容,既述其常,又达其变,如是才能法中有法,灵活变通。


    Abstract: To explore the treatment of tumor from TCM syndrome differentiation based on professor Zhou Zhongying's academic thought of cancer toxicity. Ten methods include: rectify qi to resolve constraint, dissolve phlegm and dispel stasis, track wind and dig out toxin, clear fire and overcome toxin, attack toxin and disperse concretions, remove dampness and clear the turbid, moisten dryness and soften hard masses, assist yang and disperse yin, boost qi and nourish yin (blood), fortify the spleen and harmonize the stomach. In each method, the specific symptoms and related tongue and pulse of indications are listed in detail. It also identifies the nature, location and pathogenesis of the disease, and lists the commonly used clinical prescriptions. It is believed that the core content of each treatment method is to describe both its regularity and its change, so that it can be regular and flexibility.


