Proteomic Profiling in Shellfish From Lüsi Aquaculture in the Intertidal Zone Area of the Jiangsu Province
摘要: 潮间带滩涂是江苏省海岸线的重要特征,腹足类、双壳贝类海洋生物资源丰富。该文基于shotgun蛋白质鉴定技术研究江苏省吕四港地区主要贝类的蛋白质组成。采用nano-LC MS/MS技术从9种贝类生物中共鉴定了265个蛋白质,其中角螺中鉴定的蛋白质最多(105个),从毛蚶中鉴定的蛋白质最少(39个)。这些蛋白质以细胞骨架蛋白为主,如微管蛋白、肌动蛋白、原肌球蛋白、肌球蛋白重链及组蛋白;另外还鉴定出核糖体蛋白、精氨酸激酶、ATP合成酶、延伸因子、热休克蛋白等。采用PCA分析法将蛋白质按照细胞成分与分子功能进行统计分析,结果表明缢蛏、泥螺与角螺的蛋白质组成相似,而竹蛏、文蛤、杂色蛤和四角蛤蜊的蛋白质组成相似。Heatmap和聚类分析结果表明,杂色蛤和西施舌被聚为一类,而缢蛏、泥螺、角螺、文蛤、毛蚶和四角蛤蜊被聚为另一类,竹蛏与这两类距离较远。该文研究建立了江苏沿海潮间带主要贝类中蛋白质组成特点比较分析的方法,有利于江苏沿海贝类资源开发利用。<Abstract: Jiangsu province is rich in intertidal marine resources, especially gastropod and bivalve shellfish. In this study, we performed shotgun proteomic analysis on shellfish from Lüsi, Jiangsu to identify protein content. In total, 265 proteins were identified in nine species of shellfish using nano LC-MS/MS. The highest number of proteins were identified in the gastropod Hemifusus tuba (HF) (105 proteins), whereas the bivalve Scapharca subcrenata (SSC) produced the fewest (39 proteins). The most abundant proteins are constituents of cytoskeleton, including actin, tubulin, tropomyosin, myosin heavy chain, as well as histone proteins. Additional proteins were also identified, including ribosomal proteins, enzymes such as arginine kinase and ATP synthase, and housekeeping proteins such as elongation factor and heat shock protein. Proteins were classified based on cellular components and molecular function using the principal component analysis (PCA). Results of PCA analysis revealed that Sinonovacula constrzcta (SC), Bullacta exarata (BE) and Hemifusus tuba (HF) showed similar protein profiles, whileSolen strictus (SS), Meretrix meretrix (MM), Ruditapes philippinarum (RP), and Mactra veneriformis (MV) also showed similar protein profiles. Hierarchical clustering results of heat map studies showed that RP and Mactra antiquate (MA) were classified into one group. SC, BE, HF, MM, SSC, and MV were classified into another group. SS showed the furthest distance from this group. We established a method for analyzing and characterizing the protein composition characteristics of predominant shellfish species in Jiangsu providence’s intertidal zone area, which provides basic data for the development of shellfish resources.