
Methods of Relieving Exterior-interior Syndrome and Tetrad Therapy in Differentiating and Treating Influenza

  • 摘要: 在数十年对时行感冒等病毒感染性疾病临床与科研实践的基础上,提出表里双解,汗、和、清、下4法联用辨治时行感冒的理念,将时行感冒分为常见证和变证两大类进行辨证,初步制定论治的方案,为中医药防治时行感冒提供新的思路与方法。


    Abstract: The concept of relieving exterior-interior syndrome combined with diaphoretic, harmonizing, clearing and purgative method is put forward for the treatment of influenza, which can be divided into the common syndrome and deteriorated syndrome based on syndrome differentiation. This preliminary scheme provides new thoughts and methods for treating influenza from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine.


