OBJECTIVE To study the excretion of Liguzinediol and its metabolites in rats by UPLCPDA method. METHODS Six SD rats were administered intravenously at a dose of 10 mg/kg. Its urine, bile and feces were collected according to certain time points. The samples were treated by methanol and the supernatant was dried by N
2, then dissolved by mobile phase. Liguzinediol and its metabolites in urine, bile and feces were determinated by UPLCPDA. Conversion factor was confirmed through the determination of UV absorption coefficient and molecular weight of prototype drug together with its metabolites. Then the cumulative excretion of Liguzinediol in rats(Dose%) was calculated. RESULTS There were slight differences in the excretion process between female and male rats. The Dose% of Liguzinediol and its main metabolites in female rats urine, bile and feces respectively were 47.94%, 16.67% and 0.648%, and the total Dose% was 65.26%. The Dose% of Liguzinediol and its main metabolites in male rats urine, bile and feces respectively were 35.00%, 20.37% and 1.156%, and the total Dose% was 56.53%. CONCLUSION The UPLCPDA method with the addition of conversion factor can be used to explore the material balance of Liguzinediol in rats, and provide experimental evidence for clinical research.