
Exploration on Treatment of Children with Immune Thrombocytopenia from Xiaoer Weisheng Zongwei Lunfang

  • 摘要: 免疫性血小板减少症是儿童常见的出血性疾病,临床多参考古代文献中“血证”等相关论述治疗该病。以《小儿卫生总微论方》为例,分析小儿血证的发病机制、治法方药。通过对原文分析可知,小儿血证以热乘血气为基本病机,治疗大法也以清热为主,辅以化瘀、收涩止血;针对不同部位的出血,选药时顾及药物归经及病变脏腑特性的不同。其病机特点和治法方药可为诊治儿童免疫性血小板减少症提供临证参考。


    Abstract: As a common hemorrhagic disease in children, immune thrombocytopenia is always treated with the same method as blood trouble by modern doctors via referencing the relevant theory recorded in the ancient literatures. Taking Xiaoer Weisheng Zongwei Lunfang for instance, it has recorded pathogenesis, treatment methods and prescription of blood trouble in children, which provides clinical reference for treating children with immune thrombocytopenia. From the textbook, the pathogenesis of children blood trouble should be heat over-restraining blood and qi. The treatment should focus on clearing away heat, assisted with removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding with astringents. Herbs should be chosen based on their meridian tropisms together with bleeding locations and characteristics of diseased organs. Although partial formulations are seldomly used in the clinical practice, it still provides guidance for application of Chinese herb decoction.


