
Collateral Disease Theory of YE Tianshi and Its Application on Miscellaneous Diseases Due to Internal Injury

  • 摘要: 叶天士为吴门医派的代表性人物,通过对叶氏《临证指南医案》的分析研究,系统整理叶氏对络病学说的认识及其在内伤杂病临床应用的经验。叶氏提出了久病入络、久痛入络的著名论点,阐明了络病的病因病机,并在前人基础上创辛香通络、化瘀通络、虫蚁搜络等治疗大法与方药。深入研究其络病学说对提高辨治疑难杂证的临床疗效有重要的现实意义。


    Abstract: Since Ye Tianshi is a representative of Wumen Medical School, this paper systemically summarizes Dr. Ye’s thoughts on collateral disease theory and its application in the clinical practice by analyzing his master work Case Records as a Guide to Clinical Practice, where he puts forward the famous ideas of long illnesses entering into collaterals and long pains into collaterals, with etiology and pathogenesis of collateral diseases being expounded and treatment principles of dredging collaterals with herbs of spicy flavor, ants and insects or by removing blood stasis as well as prescriptions being advocated on the basis of experience from predecessors. Hence, a deep exploration of his collateral disease theory plays a significant role in improving the clinical curative effects on miscellaneous diseases.


