
Exploration on Chapter of Jueyin Diseases of Treatise on Febrile Diseases

  • 摘要: 《伤寒论》厥阴病篇历来争议较多,归纳起来主要包括3个方面,即厥阴病提纲证之疑,乌梅丸主方之惑以及厥利呕哕诸条文之所归。在前人研究的基础上,对这3个问题做了进一步的梳理和探讨。寒热进退的病机贯穿厥阴病篇,厥阴病篇的意义不仅在于揭示了六经病的转归,同时也在仲景诸寒热并用方剂的研究中具有提纲挈领的作用。


    Abstract: There have always been many controversies in chapter of jueyin diseases of Treatise on Febrile Diseases, including three aspects, namely, the doubt about main syndrome of jueyin diseases, the dispute of Wumei Pill as main prescription of jueyin diseases and the affiliation of articles on syncope, diarrhea, vomiting and hiccup. On the basis of previous studies, further investigation and discussion were made on these three issues. The pathogenesis of advance and retreat of cold-heat goes throughout the chapter of jueyin diseases, whose meaning lies in not only revealing the outcome of six-meridian diseases, but also playing a vital role in the research of various integrative cold and heat prescriptions of Zhang Zhongjing.


