
Research of Retrograde Treatment from Wang Mengying's Medical Cases

  • 摘要: 自《内经》提出反治法以来,历代医家从不同角度进行了研究。认为根据《内经》的思维方式,对反治法的认识也应大道至简,将其理解为在逆向思维指导下,采用与常规相反的治法即可。王孟英是晚清时期著名的温病学家,其深得《内经》反治法的精髓,临证从不先入为主,如针对叶天士“温邪上受,首先犯肺,逆传心包”的温病辨证纲领,认为“苟无其顺,何以为逆”,提出了温病顺传的理论。结合其医案对反治法进行研究,能开阔临证思维,对提高治疗效果有重要意义。


    Abstract: Since The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic put forward the concept of retrograde treatment, physicians from different period of history had studied it from different perspectives. According to the feature of Inner Classic, the concept of retrograde treatment must be concise, which means that it is the opposite treating method based on reverse thinking. Wang Mengying was the famous doctor of epidemic febrile disease of later Qing Dynasty. When treating diseases, he would find the roots and it was quite useful in the treatment.


