
Discussion on Professor Xuan Guowei's Theory of Treating Acne by Nourishing Yin and Clearing away Heat

  • 摘要: 介绍了国医大师禤国维教授运用滋阴清热法治疗阴虚火旺型痤疮的临床经验。禤老认为现代人患痤疮,其根本原因在于素体肾阴不足,肾之阴阳平衡失调和天癸相火过旺,导致肺胃血热,上熏面部而发痤疮。可采用滋肾泻火、清肺解毒的治疗原则,以二至丸合知柏地黄丸加减组成的消痤汤加减治疗。


    Abstract: This paper introduces clinical experience of Prof. Xuan Guowei in treating acne caused by hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency by applying method of nourishing yin and clearing away heat. Prof. Xuan Guowei pointed out that the cause of the acne was the kidney yin deficiency, which resulted in the imbalance of yin and yang of kidney and the hyperactivity of ministerial fire, thus causing the blood heat in lung and stomach. The treating principal is nourishing yin to discharge fire and clearing lung and removing toxicity. Xiaocuo decoction made by the modification of Erzhi pills together with Zhibai Dihuang pills can be used to treat acne.


