
Clinical Experience of Professor Huang Huang in Treating Lung Cancer by Using ShuyuWan

  • 摘要: 介绍了江苏省名中医黄煌教授运用薯蓣丸治疗化疗后肺癌的临床经验,认为该病机为气血阴阳俱不足,夹有风邪。病位在肺、脾、肾,以调补气血,扶正祛邪为该病的基本治疗原则,并偏重于扶正,寓祛邪于扶正之中,而薯蓣丸正是扶正与祛邪兼备之方,与肺癌的病症特征相对治。临床实践中常以薯蓣丸为基本方进行加减治疗,常常佐以补肾之品。


    Abstract: This paper introduces Professor HuangHuang's clinical experience in treating lung cancer by using ShuyuWan. Professor HuangHuang is the famous TCM physician of Jiangsu. It is considered that the pathogenesis of lung cancer is deficiency of Qi and blood with the wind pathogen. In this disease, the lung, spleen and kidney are usually affected. As for the treatment of lung cancer, its basic therapeutic methods are regulating Qi and blood, strengthening vital Qi and eliminating pathogens. Professor HuangHuang often uses modified ShuyuWan to treat lung cancer in clinical practice. Drug dosage often varies based on the patients' diseases and the condition of the specific circumstances.


