
Analysis of the Mechanism of Treating Cough Variant Asthma with Wind-expelling Drugs

  • 摘要: 咳嗽变异性哮喘是引起慢性咳嗽的常见疾病之一,临床以反复发作的刺激性干咳为主要表现。现代医学多运用治疗支气管哮喘的药物控制病情、缓解症状。中医学从风邪伏肺着手,应用风药治疗,取得一定的疗效。综合分析风药的特点,提出风药能够辛散解表、疏风祛邪;升发脾阳、调中益气;引药入经、直达病所;利咽通窍、止咳解痉;搜风透络、祛邪止痉。为临床运用风药治疗咳嗽变异性哮喘提供理论依据。


    Abstract: Cough Variant Asthma (CVA) is one of the common causes of chronic cough. Recurrent irritating tussiculation is CVA's main clinical manifestation. Modern medicine uses drugs which treat bronchial asthma to control the disease or to relieve symptoms. It is stated that pathogenic-wind-invading-lung is the main factor accounting for the forming of CVA in traditional Chinese medicine. Treating CVA with Chinese herbal medicine such as wind-expelling drugs has achieved certain effects. Based on comprehensive analysis of characteristics of wind-expelling drugs, it is reported that wind-expelling drugs can dispel wind pathogen, rise Spleen Qi introduce drugs into meridians, relieve cough and relieve spasm. The study can provide theoretical basis and feasible methods in clinical practice to treat CVA.


