
Clinical Experience of Professor TIAN Conghuo in Treating Women and Children's Diseases by Acupuncture

  • 摘要: 介绍了全国名老中医田从豁教授针药并用,同时灵活运用灸、罐、刺血、刮痧、贴敷等各类中医内、外治法,心身同调,治疗妇、儿疾病的临床经验。以小儿反复发热、产后情绪障碍和慢性复发性扁桃体溃疡3个病例来说明田从豁教授灵活运用中医理论治疗各科疾病的经验。


    Abstract: This paper introduces professor TIAN Conghuo's clinical experience in treating women and children's diseases by using acupuncture and drug together with moxibustion, cupping, pricking blood, guasha and sticking therapy. Three cases including recurrent febrile of children, postpartum mood disorders and chronic ulceroftonsil were listed in this paper to explain professor Tian's experience.


