
Treating of Ulcerative Colitis by Professor Zhang Xiaoping from the Perspective of Qihua of Spleen and Stomach

  • 摘要: 介绍了张小萍教授运用脾胃气化学说论治溃疡性结肠炎的临床经验。认为该病病机为本虚标实,本虚为脾虚,标实为湿热、疫毒、寒湿侵犯肠腑。其发生发展与脾胃的纳化失常、燥湿失衡、气机升降出入失调有关,临床常以调升降,清内邪;理出入,抗外邪;顾纳化,复脾胃;兼燥湿,固肠腑等法治疗。


    Abstract: This paper is about the clinical experience of Professor Zhang Xiaoping in treating ulcerative colitis from the perspective of Qihua of spleen and stomach. Professor Zhang thinks that the pathogenesis of the disease is root deficiency and branch excess. Root deficiency refers to the spleen deficiency and branch excess refers to damp-heat, epidemic toxin, and cold and damp invading intestines and fu organs. The occur and development of the disease are related to the disorder of digesting, imbalance of dryness and dampness, and abnormal movement of qi. In clinical practices, methods like regulating the rising and descending of qi, clearing away the internal evils, regulating the inputting and outputting, defending from the external evils, caring about the digesting, and restoring the function of spleen and stomach, regulating the balance of dryness and dampness, and strengthen the function of intestines and fu organs.


