Clinical Application Research on Glycyrrhizae Prescriptions with Incompatible herbs and Association Analysis of Their Characteristics
摘要: 目的 通过对中部、东部地区不同三级甲等中医院十八反甘草组反药应用情况进行调研和对比分析,探讨临床应用十八反甘草组反药同方配伍的应用及其特点。方法 从不同地区的临床应用处方中筛选含有甘草组十八反药对的处方,采取关联规则的方法对药物的配伍特点进行分析。结果 两地区支持度较高的药物有甘草、海藻、茯苓、昆布、桂枝、白芍、丹皮、桃仁、夏枯草、柴胡等。甘草、海藻在两地区中支持度均为最高。两地区支持度较高的药对为海藻-甘草、甘草-茯苓、海藻-茯苓、海藻-昆布、甘草-昆布、甘草-桂枝等;东部地区支持度较高的是甘草-海藻,其次为海藻-昆布、甘草-昆布等;中部地区除了甘草-海藻外,支持度较高的是茯苓-甘草、茯苓-海藻、白芍-甘草。两地区支持度较高的核心药组为海藻-甘草-茯苓、海藻-甘草-昆布、海藻-甘草-桂枝、甘草-茯苓-桂枝、海藻-甘草-白芍等;东部地区支持度较高的是甘草-海藻-昆布、甘草-海藻-茯苓、甘草-鸡内金-海藻、鸡内金-海藻-茯苓、甘草-鸡内金-茯苓等,以化痰消积类药物为主;中部地区支持度较高的是茯苓-甘草-海藻、甘草-桂枝-海藻、白芍-甘草-海藻、茯苓-甘草-桂枝、茯苓-丹皮-甘草等,以化痰健脾、温通活血药配伍为主。结论 临床上存在十八反甘草组反药同方配伍的情况,其中以甘草-海藻的配伍居多,但是十八反同方配伍药物在中部和东部地区的临床应用存在一定的差异。Abstract: OBJECTIVE To explore the clinical application and features of Glycyrrhizae prescriptions with incompatible herbs by doing the survey and contrastive analysis in different third-grade class-A hospitals from the central and eastern parts of China. METHODS Clinical prescriptions containing Glycyrrhizae with incompatible herbs were collected. Association rules were utilized to analyze the compatible features of these herbs. RESULTS The drugs with the highest support in the two places are: liquorice root, seaweed, Indian bread, kelp, cassia twig, white peony root, tree peony bark, peach seed, common self-heal fruit-spike, starwort root etc. liquorice root and seaweed ranked the first in both places. The pairs of drugs highly recommended in the two places are: seaweed and liquorice root, liquorice root and Indian bread, seaweed and Indian bread, seaweed and kelp, liquorice root and kelp, liquorice root and cassia twig etc. The drug pair with the highest support in the east is liquorice root and seaweed, and then is the seaweed and kelp and liquorice root and kelp. Besides liquorice root and seaweed, the drug pair with the highest support in the middle part is liquorice root and Indian bread, and then are the Indian bread and seaweed, white peony root and liquorice root. The key pairs with high support in both places are: seaweed- liquorice root- Indian bread, seaweed-liquorice root-kelp, seaweed-liquorice root-cassia twig, liquorice root-Indian bread-cassia twig, seaweed-liquorice root- white peony root. The drug pairs with high support in the east are: liquorice root-seaweed-kelp, liquorice root-seaweed-Indian bread, liquorice root-chicken gizzard linning-seaweed, chicken gizzard linning-seaweed-Indian bread, liquorice root-chicken gizzard linning-Indian bread etc. The drug pairs with high support in the middle part are: Indian bread- liquorice root- seaweed, liquorice root- cassia twig- seaweed, white peony root- liquorice root-seaweed, Indian bread-liquorice root-cassia twig, Indian bread-tree peony bark-liquorice root etc. CONCLUSION The clinical application of Glycyrrhizae with incompatible herbs can be found, with the herbal pair of Thallus Sargassi and Glycyrrhizae being the most common one. But there exits the differences in the combined application between eastern China and central China.