
Study on Concept of Lasting Movement in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet

  • 摘要: 恒动观思想渗透在中医学的多个方面,深刻影响着中医学理论体系的构建,成为推动这一学科向前发展的动力,从而指导着临床实践。《金匮要略》恒动观主要体现在疾病传变、诊断疾病、治法和用药中。把握这一原则, 有利于全面、准确地诊断疾病,进行恰当的辨证施治,从而提高临床疗效。


    Abstract: The concept of lasting movement permeates into many aspects of TCM, has a profound impact on the construction of TCM theoretical system and becomes the driving force of pushing forward the development of the discipline to guide the clinical practice. The concept in Essentials from the Golden Cabinet mainly manifests in disease transformation, disease diagnosis, therapy and medication. The principle is good for the comprehensive and accurate diagnosis of diseases and treatment based on syndrome differentiation so as to improve clinical efficacy.


