
120 Cases Asthma Children's Chinese Medicine Constitution Classification Study

  • 摘要: 目的 了解哮喘患儿体质分布情况,为哮喘患儿的中医药调理及日常保育方案提供参考。方法 通过对120例哮喘缓解期患儿体质特征进行临床调查,从形体特征、日常表现、易感情况等方面进行体质分型。结果 哮喘患儿体质类型以肺禀不足偏气虚质,肺禀不足偏阴虚质、脾禀不足偏气虚质及肺脾不足偏气虚质为多,分别占总人数的13.33%、24.17%、20.00%和24.17%,其中有22例患儿夹有痰湿,17例夹有痰热。结论 哮喘患儿体质类型以偏虚质为多,具有明显的个体差异,可通过临床调查给予分型。


    Abstract: OBJECTIVE To classify the constitutional types and provide the prevention and treatment programs in Chinese medicine for children with asthma. METHODS According to the physical features, daily performance and susceptibility through clinical investigation of 120 cases children with asthma, their constitution types were classified. RESULTS The larger percentage of asthma children present the lung deficiency tending to qi insufficiency (account for13.33%), yin insufficiency (24.17%), the spleen deficiency tending to qi insufficiency (20.00%), the lung-spleen deficiency tending to qi insufficiency (24.17%), and 22 accompany with phlegm-damp and 17 accompany with phlegm-heat. CONCLUSION The constitutions of asthma in children have individual differences obviously, but they still can be classified by clinic investigation. Most of them are the insufficiency constitution types.


