
Discussion on the Features of Traditional Chinese Medicine Treating Luminal Type Breast Cancer

  • 摘要: 现代医学认为乳腺癌是一个慢性全身性疾病,其中Luminal型乳腺癌占乳腺癌总数的50%以上,该类患者在接受规范内分泌治疗的同时又面临着不良反应多、依从性差、易产生耐药及远期复发转移等几大难点,针对这些难点,可以通过中医药对其进行干预治疗,且有众多的临床研究和实验研究结果均证明了中医药在防治内分泌治疗的不良反应、改善药物耐药、提高患者依从性及降低远期复发转移风险多个方面有显著疗效。


    Abstract: Modern medicine considers breast cancer to be a chronic systemic disease, of which luminal type breast cancer accounts for over 50% of the total cases of breast cancer. While given standardized endocrine therapy, patients with this kind of disease suffered from major side effects such as adverse reactions, poor compliance, tending to drug resistance and long-term recurrence and metastasis. In response to these difficulties, it can be intervened and treated by traditional Chinese medicine. Numerous clinical studies and experimental research results have shown that traditional Chinese medicine has significant effects on the prevention of multiple adverse reactions caused by endocrine therapy, including improving drug resistance, enhancing patients' compliance and reducing long-term recurrence and metastasis risk.


