
Treating Sjogren Syndrome from Regulating Kidney

  • 摘要: 总结《黄帝内经》相关理论,认为干燥综合征患者当从肾论治。肾与精血、津液的生成关系密切。干燥综合征的病机有阳虚阳郁,津液不化,官窍失养;或精亏肾燥,故治可辛以润燥;或辛凉解郁;或滋肾填精,养血回津。


    Abstract: This paper held that patients with Sjogren's syndrome should be treated with tonifying kidney through summarizing relevant theories in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic. The function of kidney is closely related to the formation of essence, blood and fluid. The pathogenesis of Sjogren's syndrome is either yang deficiency and depression, dysfunction of body fluid, organ dystrophy or essence deficiency and kidney dryness. Therefore, they should be treated respectively: The former one should be treated by moistening dryness with acrid medicinals or resolving constraint with acrid-cool medicinals. The later one should be nourishing kidney and replenishing essence, tonifying blood and reinforcing fluid.


