
Several Key Issues in Research and Development of TCM Classical Prescription

  • 摘要:  对经典名方的解读为研发工作的第一步,是十分关键的重要环节,该文针对研发中所遇到的一些关键性问题如中药基原、资源、炮制、剂量、功能主治等如何确定进行了讨论。建议研发应以遵从经典,符合《药典》为原则。不仅要解读原方诞生时的面貌,还应理清其在流传中的变化。符合《药典》标准并结合当今实际,才能保证经典名方的临床疗效。


    Abstract: Interpretation of TCM classical prescription which is a very important link is the first step in R&D work. This paper discusses several key issues in R&D, such as the species and medical parts of chinese herbs, resources, processing, dosage, function and so on. It is suggested that R&D should follow the principle of "following classics and conforming to Pharmacopoeia". We should not only interpret the appearance of the original, but also clarify its changes in circulation. Only when it conforms to the standards of Pharmacopoeia and combines with today's reality can the clinical efficacy of TCM classical prescription be guaranteed.


