
Analysis on Physiological and Pathological Syndrome and Treatment of Ministerial Fire

  • 摘要: 分析梳理了历代医家对相火之论说,对相火的含义、生理功能、病理特点、证治方药进行评述。认为命门、肝、胆、三焦内均有相火,而相火的根源主要发自命门,上则主宰于心,相火静而藏则禀命守位于右肾命门之中,动而发则寄于肝、胆、三焦等脏腑。相火主宰性与生殖,促进精神互化,关乎整体身心,临床证治当分虚实辨证论治。


    Abstract: This paper analyzes the theories of ancient physicians on ministerial fire diseases, and summarizes the meanings, physiological functions, pathological features, syndromes and prescriptions of ministerial fire diseases. It is believed that there is ministerial fire in the life gate, liver, gallbladder and triple energizer. And the root of ministerial fire is life gate, which dominates the heart in the upper part, while ministerial fire is static and hidden, and the intrinsic life is kept in the life gate (right kidney), while movement are sent to the viscera such as liver, gallbladder and triple energizer. The ministerial fire is dominate sex and reproduction, which can promote spiritual exchange. Clinical treatment should be based on syndrome differentiation of deficiency and excess.


