
Clinical Experience of Professor PAN Liqun in the Treatment of Plasma Cell Mastitis

  • 摘要: 介绍了潘立群教授治疗粉刺性乳痈的临床经验。认为应在了解本病病理解剖学的前提下,基于患者的病机,结合月经周期,运用内托法逼毒外出;同时施以外治法,尤其提倡循病灶走向的小切口引流,以避免传统切开排脓法对于乳房各结构尤其是乳导管的大规模破坏,遂使乳房毁损趋于微小,得以维护其外形的基本完整,从而有效地发挥中医外科内、外治法相结合的学术优势。<


    Abstract: This study introduced the clinical experience of Professor PAN Liqun in the treatment of plasma cell mastitis. Professor PAN believes that the treatment should take the understanding of the pathological anatomy as the precondition, take patients' pathogenesis as the basis and combine their menstrual cycles, then expel the toxin through tuofa. At the same time, external therapy should be applied in the treatment, especially the drainage through a small incision following the direction of the breast lesion, which can avoid the massive damage of patients' breast structure particularly the breast ducts, minimize the breast damage and maintain the physical integrity of the breast. Professor PAN's treatment fully plays the academic advantages of the combination of internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.


