
Professor SHAN Zhaowei's Experience in Treating Chronic Diarrhea

  • 摘要: 总结了单兆伟教授治疗慢性泄泻的经验,认为慢性泄泻以脾虚湿盛为本,湿热、瘀血、食积为标,病位在脾胃,涉及肝肾。临证时应细审虚实、详辨寒热,从脾、肝、肾三脏论治,灵活处方;同时善用风药,温清并用;兼顾他邪时,治以消食化积、活血化瘀;重视舌诊,舌症互参。


    Abstract: This paper summarizes professor SHAN Zhaowei's experience in treating chronic diarrhea. He believes that the spleen deficiency and exuberant phlegm is the root, while dampness-heat, static blood and accumulated food is the branch. The disease is in the spleen and stomach, involving in liver and kidney. According to the characteristics of diarrhea to identify the asthenia and sthenia, cold and heat, viscera of spleen, liver, kidney and flexible combination of prescriptions. Meanwhile professer SHAN is good at treating chronic diarrhea by using wind medicine and combining warm medicine with cold medicine. When taking care of other pathological factors, it is taken into account the methods of digestion, invigorating blood and resolving stasis. Pay attention to tongue diagnosis and tongue syndrome.


