The wind-cold-dampness arthralgia syndrome is quite common in orthopedics. It believes that the external cause of the syndrome is intermingled of pathogens evils, and the internal cause is morbid Yang qi and evil lies in the body meridians. Morbid Yang qi of spleen and kidney is especially important in the pathogenesis of the disease. The treatment should be based on warmth, which can warm spleen yang, resolve constraint and calm the mind, warm kidney yang and nourish kidney yin. The meridian block leads to disharmony of qi and blood and malnutrition sinew and bone, and dredging meridian is also an important treatment. The dredging therapy can be based on the specific syndrome and its pathogenesis, or dispel pathogen or reinforce healthy qi, or combined or focus on one side. Warming meridian and dredging collateral in treating wind-cold-dampness arthralgia syndrome of orthopedics, should consider the individual differences in age, physical constitution, disease course, disease position, etc. The prescriptionis certified by the symptom, and the medicine is compatible with the symptom.