
Experience of Nephropathy by National Chinese Medicine Master ZOU Yanqin of "Fom up Treat down Disease" in Clearing Throat

  • 摘要: 咽喉与肾密切相关,国医大师邹燕勤教授创“下病上治”治肾病理论,在辨证论治同时重视清利咽喉。咽喉部症状发作期予疏风泄热、清热利咽以祛邪治标,防邪热下传于肾;缓解期予补益肺肾,养阴利咽以扶正治本。


    Abstract: The throat is closely related to the kidney. National Chinese Medicine of ZOU Yanqin has created the theory of treating nephropathy with "from up treat down disease" in the treatment according to pattern differentiation, and pays attention to clearing throat at the same time. The symptom of throat at acute stage are given to disperse wind and discharge heat, clear heat from throat to dispel evils, and treat the branch and prevent evil heat transmission to kidney. Supplementing and boosting the lung and kidney, nourishing yin and clearing throat at remission stage to support right and treat the root.


