
Nine-needle Theory: the Early Academic Kernel of Acupuncture

  • 摘要: 探索《内经》九针理论,总结九针之数、九针之形、九针之用。发现九针理论关注形态结构的特点,与当代许多针对组织形态结构的新针具、新针法相呼应,与毫针调神针刺形成鲜明的对比。认为九针理论的守形针刺特征对针灸学发展的影响尚不够充分,提出当代针灸学的发展应给予“形而下”更多的学术关注,使针灸学更加实用。


    Abstract: By exploring the discussions about the nine-needle in Neijing and making a summary of its number shapes and applications, we find that the nine-needle theory has the feature of concerning morphological structure which is the same as new acupuncture tools and therapies today and very different from "mind-balance" of filiform needle. However, we consider that the nine-needle theory which possesses the feature of "structure-needling" should but did not have enough influence on the development of acupuncture. So we call for paying more academic attention to "physics" during the development of modern acupuncture and making acupuncture more practical.


