Professor Deng Yunming's Experience on Treating Gout in the View of Spleen-Stomach Differentiation
摘要: 从病因病机、治疗原则、分期论治、预防调摄、治未病等方面总结和介绍邓运明教授治疗痛风的经验。邓运明教授认为痛风的基本病机为脾胃失和为本,湿热痹阻为标,治疗痛风重视肝、脾、肾三脏的关系,并强调了治未病对于痛风的重要性。Abstract: In this paper, the author introduced Deng Yunming's experience on treating gout, like the pathogenesis, treatment principle, stages treatment, prevention and recuperation. In Deng's view, the main pathogenesis of gout is disharmony of spleen and stomach, also caused by the stagnation of damp heat. The treatment focused on the relationship among liver, spleen and kidney. He also emphasized on the importance of prevention.