
Professor You Songxin Differentially Treating 4 Cases of Liver Cirrhosis Blood Syndrome of Hepatitis B

  • 摘要: 介绍了尤松鑫辨治慢性病毒性乙型肝炎(乙肝)肝硬化血证的临床经验。尤老认为对于乙肝硬化伴出血者,一般从温病营血分证论治,主方犀角地黄汤合四乌贼骨一芦茹丸;但对于育龄期女性患者,肝功能基本正常而月经量多者,常用养血调经法,主方益母胜金丹,并灵活加减。当患者出血渐止,证情由标实为主转为阴伤湿稽的虚实夹杂证时,改用育阴清利法善后,主方兰豆枫楮汤。


    Abstract: You Songxin's clinical experiences on treating liver cirrhosis blood syndrome of chronic viral hepatitis B( hepatitis B ) are introduced. Professor You considers that patients of liver cirrhosis with hemorrhage are usually treated from Ying and blood syndrome of epidemic febrile diseases, and the major prescription is Xijiao Dihuang Dection combined with SI Wuzeigu and Yi Luru Pill. But for women patients during child-bearing period with normal liver function but large quantity of menstruation, treatment of nourishing blood to regulate menstruation is applied and Yimu Sheng Jin Fang as major prescription is modified flexibly. When hemorrhage of patients is gradually stopped and the syndrome is transferred from root excess as main factor to deficiency and excess syndrome of damp stagnation due to yin damage, treatment of nourishing yin to clear heat is used for prognosis and the major prescription is Lankou Fengzhe decoction.


