
Discussion on Zhang Zhongjing's Formulas Treating dysentery and diarrhea

  • 摘要: 对仲景治疗下利属寒热虚实等不同证候所采用的不同方剂进行归纳总结,如热利以白头翁汤、黄芩汤治疗;实热利则以大、小承气汤治疗;寒证以四逆汤等治疗;虚证或虚寒者,以理中丸、赤石脂禹余粮汤等治疗。通过对以上方剂的分析,结合临床体会,归纳其治疗下利的配伍规律,为目前临床提供参考。


    Abstract: Zhang zhongjing's different prescriptions on the treatment of cold, heat, deficiency and excess syndromes are summarized in the paper. For example, heat syndromes are treated by Pulsatilla decoction and Scutellaria decoction; excess heat is treated by Da Chengqi Decoction or Xiao Chengqi Decoction; cold syndromes are treated by Sili decotion; deficiency syndromes are treated by the Lizhong pill or Halloysite Limonitum decotion .Through the analysis of the above formulas together with clinical experiences, the compatibility rules are summarized for clinical reference.


