
Pathogenesis Theory of Cancerous Toxin in Tumor Microenvironment

  • 摘要: 肿瘤的发生、发展不仅取决于肿瘤细胞本身,而且与肿瘤微环境关系密切。目前恶性肿瘤的治疗新策略已转变为通过干预肿瘤微环境,阻断癌变的发生和发展。国医大师周仲瑛教授根据其长期临床实践提出癌毒病机理论,认为癌毒是肿瘤发生、发展的关键。研究认为癌毒病机理论与肿瘤微环境的机制密切相关,通过探讨两者的关系,诠释癌毒病机理论的科学内涵,为临床运用癌毒病机理论指导中医药抗肿瘤提供科学依据。


    Abstract: The occurrence and development of tumor are closely related to the tumor microenvironment. The new strategy of treating malignant tumor is to interfere with the microenvironment to stop canceration. Professor Zhou, through years of clinical practices, have put forward the theory that cancerous toxin is the key to the occurring and developing of cancer. This research aims to discover the scientific connotation of cancerous toxin theory to provide scientific basis for using the theory to guide the treating of tumor in TCM by discussing the relation between pathogenesis theory of cancerous toxin and the tumor microenvironment.


