
On Tumor Differentiation and Treatment by TCM

  • 摘要: 对中医药辨治肿瘤的若干理念问题进行了探讨。基于临床审证求因及应用祛毒——解毒、攻毒药物治疗肿瘤的客观实际,提出癌毒致病说;认为瘤体是在脏腑气化功能逆乱的基础上,进而结成有形之物,痰瘀郁毒是肿瘤的核心病机病证;临床辨证与辨病应予互补,把握邪正的消长变化,瘤体与整体病变的相关性;解毒与攻毒要因证、因人而异,从肿瘤病位求其病理特性,倡导复法大方是治疗肿瘤的基本对策,同时提示肿瘤的用药要点;提出要重视标急从权、缓其所苦、预防复发转移、贵在养正等观念。


    Abstract: Tumor differentiation and treatment by TCM is discussed in this paper and the academic thought of "cancerous toxin" has been raised based on the clinical practice of determining etiologic factors based on differentiation and treating tumor by ways of dispelling poison, detoxifying and counteracting toxic substances. Tumor is considered to be the result of the disorder of qi transformation of zang-fu organs, with phlegm and toxicity stasis as the core of the pathogenesis. Thus, syndrome and disease differentiation should be complementary and the development of evil qi and vital qi, the connection between tumor and the diseases should be fully considered. Detoxifying and counteracting toxic substances should be adapted to the patients' situation and the pathological features should be judged by the site of the tumor. Compound methods and complex prescription are proposed as the vital method to treat tumor and the key points of using medicines are mentioned in this paper. For example, relieving symptoms are of great importance and the recurrence and metastasis of tumor should be stopped and the most important thing is to nourish the vital qi.


