1 266例HIV/AIDS患者中医临床症状体征分布规律分析

Analysis of Clinical Symptoms and Signs Distribution in 1266 HIV/AIDS Cases

  • 摘要: 目的 分析1 266例HIV/AIDS患者中医临床症状体征分布规律,为开展进一步临床研究奠定基础。方法 对2004年10月-2009年10月期间筛选的1 266例HIV/AIDS患者资料进行数据整理、统计分析。结果 1 266例患者中男性占48.3%,女性占51.7%,男女比例为0.93∶1;31~40岁青壮年最多,占45.9%;感染途径多为血液传播,占87.7%;症状以乏力为主;舌象以淡白舌、白苔为最多见;脉象中细脉最多见。结论 HIV/AIDS患者以血液传播为主要感染途径;HIV/AIDS患者症状体征、舌象脉象均为一派虚象,气虚为本。


    Abstract: OBJECTIVE To analyze clinical symptoms and signs distribution in 1 266 HIV/AIDS cases for laying the foundation of further clinical studies. METHODS The information on 1 266 HIV/AIDS cases selected from October 2004 to October 2009 was processed and made a statistical analysis. RESULTS Among the 1 266 cases, male took up 48.3% while female 51.7% with the ratio of 0.93∶1. Adults from 31 up to 40 years old accounted for 45.9% as the most. The majority were infected through blood transfusion, occupying 87.7%, manifesting fatigue, pale tongue and white coating and thin pulse as the main symptoms. CONCLUSION HIV/AIDS patients are mainly infected with blood transfusion. HIV/AIDS patients manifest with deficient syndromes and signs with qi deficiency as the basis and spleen as the pivot.


