Brief on Geratic Cases Treated by Doctor Hu Tiecheng
摘要: 介绍了胡铁城主任诊治老年性水肿、失眠、盗汗、郁证的临床经验,主要为从“血不利则为水”调治老年性水肿;从“汗为心液”治疗老年盗汗;从“小柴胡之治,升降沉浮,则顺之”调治老年郁证。Abstract: This paper introduces Doctor Hu Tiecheng’s experience of treating geriatrics including senile swelling, insomnia, night sweating and depression. Geratic swelling is usually treated according to the theory of blood stasis causes swelling; night sweating of the elderly is treated based on the theory that the sweat is derived from heart-blood; senile depression is treated by Xiaochaihu Decoction.