
Professor Meng Jingchun’s Clinical Experience of Treating Chronic Astrophic Gastritis

  • 摘要: 总结了孟景春教授论治萎缩性胃炎三方面的经验:一是对胃黏膜萎缩的治疗重在提高胃的气血生化能力,补虚通滞;二是对幽门螺旋杆菌(Hp)的杀灭重在改变滋生Hp的胃内环境,宣化湿浊;三是对胃的癌前病变的防治重在审时度势,攻伐适度。


    Abstract: This paper summarizes Professor Meng Jingchun’s clinical experience of treating chronic astrophic gastritis. Firstly, improve the formation of qi and blood to treat gastric mucosa atrophia, that is, tonifying deficiency for unobstruct the stagnant. Secondly, improve the internal environment of the stomach to kill Helicobacter pylori (Hp), that is, dissolving dampness and turbid. Thirdly, judge the hour and size up the situation to prevent precancerosis of stomach, that is, proper tonification and reducing.


