
Experimental Research on Protection of Replenishing Kidney Essence with Electroacupuncture (EA) on Brain in Perimenopausal Rats

  • 摘要: 目的 观察电针补益肾精法和雌激素补充对去势大鼠脑缺血损伤后体内SOD、MDA及caspase-3的影响,比较这2种预处理方法对去势大鼠的脑保护作用。方法 将60只SD雌性大鼠随机分为4组,分别为假手术组、单纯去势组、雌激素预处理组、电针预处理组。除假手术组外,其余3组均行双侧卵巢切除(OVX)处理复制围绝经期大鼠模型,之后进行相关操作。电针预处理组大鼠以补益肾精为法,选“关元”及双侧“三阴交”进行针刺;雌激素预处理组给予苯甲酸雌二醇(0.15 mg/kg)肌内注射;所有4组均给予相同的捆绑处理,时间同电针预处理组。治疗结束后24 h,予4组大鼠脑缺血处理制备大脑中动脉缺血(MCAO)模型,缺血2 h后予再灌注处理,24 h后,处死大鼠,采血并取出脑组织,行NSS评分,并计算脑梗死体积,测定标本内E2、SOD、MDA及caspase-3的含量。结果 电针预处理组血液及脑组织SOD含量显著高于雌激素预处理组(P<0.05),MDA含量显著低于雌激素预处理组(P<0.05),caspase-3含量2组间无明显差异(P>0.05)。结论 电针补益肾精法对围绝经期大鼠有脑保护的作用。


    Abstract: OBJECTIVE To observe effects of replenishing kidney essence with electroacupuncture and estrogen replacement on vivo SOD, MDA and caspase-3 in ovariectomized rats after cerebral ischemia and contrast the cerebral protection in ovariectomized rats with the two pretreatment methods.METHODS 60 female SD rats were randomly divided into four groups, namely, sham group, castration alone group, and estrogen pretreatment group and EA pretreatment group. Three groups except sham group all underwent bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) to establish perimenopausal rat models. EA pretreatment rats were punctured in CV4 and bilateral SP6 points with replenishing kidney essence while estrogen pretreatment group was intramuscularly injected with estrogen estradiol benzoate (0.15 mg/kg). All four groups were given the same bundle processing with the same time as EA pretreatment group. After 24 hours treatment, they were operated with cerebral ischemic to make middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) models and reperfused 2 hours later. In 24 h, the rats were killed and blood and brain tissue were removed for NSS score and calculating the infarct volume and E2, SOD, MDA and caspase-3 content within specimens.RESULTS SOD in blood and brain tissue in EA pretreatment was significantly higher than that in estrogen pretreatment group (P<0.05), MDA level was significantly lower than the latter group (P<0.05), caspase-3 levels between the two groups without significant difference (P>0.05).CONCLUSION Replenishing kidney essence method with EA can protect the brain of perimenopausal rats and electrical stimulation makes a more markedly effect.


