
Studying on Ye Tianshi's Medication Treating on Stomach Pain

  • 摘要: 叶天士是我国清代著名医家,在胃痛治疗方面重视通阳化浊,注重调理气机,强调脾胃分治,同时对于久痛入络者重视活血化瘀通络。深入探讨叶天士治疗胃痛的用药规律,对于现代临床脾胃疾病的防治有一定的借鉴意义。


    Abstract: Ye Tianshi is a very famous doctor in Qing dynasty, who paid attention to activating yang to getting rid of turbidity and regulating qi activity in stomach treatment. He emphasized that treating spleen and stomach separately, at the same time for the long time pain and the disease into meridian they should promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, etc. He had put forward a lot of insight ideas. In this paper, the author studied Ye Tianshi's medication principles, hoping to provide reference to the treatment of stomach and spleen disease.


